Présentation en Anglais

Présentations Multilingues

Presentation en Anglais

  A project is going to be presented to you in these few pages, carried out by a French team of seven Grammar school pupils from the Join-Lambert institution in Rouen in collaboration with the Norman delegation of the C.N.R.S. ( National Scientific Research Center ). Its aim is to develop the scientific and technical culture and the team spirit among Grammar school pupils as well. The selected subject is the study of direct injection of petrol into a car engine on a ventilated bench.

The tests were carried out at the Mont-Saint-Aignan university, on the UMR6614/CORIA site with the help of a lecturer and a research engineer. In these few pages, we put the stakes which are both scholarly and economical before you. We are going to present you also the experiment with general insights, moving picture of the sprays and result graphs.